Friday, March 11, 2011


So we have had a rough week. I havent been feeling well and baby is teething, so I have been happy just to catch before/after naps and sleeping, and any major change in activity. We went to a library class this week, and I took her potty before and it was the first time I sat her on the potty backwards and sat behind her. She actually went, while playing with the flusher part, lol, atleast it was decently clean!

We just got 15 custom pairs of underwear for her today. I didnt work today because I was sick, and hubby stayed home to watch her so I could rest and start feeling better. Im still not feeling great but I have been kicking myself to update, so here it is! Im going to try out the undies tomorrow, I cant wait!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Been busy

So sorry I havent posted for a few days! I have been busy with work, and the new RIFT game that just released, Im a total MMORPG addict.

Today my lo totally refused to use the potty when waking this morning and after her morning nap, but we only went through one diaper. We went out to lunch with a friend and I was sure she would be wet when we got to her house for the playdate after and she was dry, so I set up her little travel potty and my friend got to see EC in action, she was totally impressed! Lo is teething really bad, im hoping they come in this weekend so she will be in a better mood, and the EC will be so much easier.

I discovered the prefold belt this week, and I found something that would work to make one here at home. Today we used it, its so easy to just let her run around in the prefold and it slips right out to go pee and slips right back in so shes covered! Lol but its not great when you walk out of the room and she poos, and I walk back in to find her with poo all over her legs and hands...not a good prefold belt story!

Keep up the good work, Im tying!