Wednesday, July 20, 2011

worded weds lol!

I havent updated for a few, so Im doing it now. Eowyn is in bed napping, im watching a show on TLC, and playing on the computer.

So ECing hasnt been going great the last few weeks. I made a concious decision at 16 months, shes 15 now, we are going full steam with EC. We will do diaperless at home, and trainers when out with covers. I would like Eowyn to be potty trained by 18mos, but im not going to push it. I think she would be close to it now, but I will admit im lazy! Lol!

In other news, we just bought Eowyn a kitchen, and she LOVES it. She played with it all day yesterday. We bought it used from a second hand shop and it will last for years to come. I plan on opening an in home daycare in a few months after we move, so it was a smart purchace for that as well. Im hoping to get filled fast due to being cd friendly and all my years of experience as a nanny.

So to sum it up, noting super exciting has been happening here. Oh i did make about 40 cloth wipes in a week, that was awesome. And I plan to try and make some cloth trainers for E, in a few weeks.

wordless first

These are pictures from our small town fouth of july parade. Nana left her cup laying around luckily its empty! But shes so stinking cute!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Much needed update

So I havent been great about doing a daily or even weekly blog. Sometimes theres not enough hours in the day it seems like. I love my family, and am 100% dedicated to spending time with my sweet baby when shes awake, so I am going to try to blog at night or during the nap times.

ECing has been going great! We are catching almost 80%, not including nights. Im at a loss as to how to approach night time EC. My lo usually sleeps though the night, although lateley shes been up a few times a night. I like to blame that on those nasty teeth!

I dont want to wake her to potty her, and shes still getting a cup of milk before bed, so until I take that last cup away I know theres no chance of staying dry over night.

So the EC adventure has been wonderful for us. I wish i knew more people who did it! Its amazing!

2-3 diapers a day

Were down to only having 2-3 accidents in diapers a day! Its so awesome!

I will post a better update soon!